Stefanie A. DeLuca teaches sociology at Johns Hopkins University. Her current research uses interdisciplinary frameworks and multiple methodologies to examine the sociology of education, urban sociology, neighborhoods, and social inequality in the life course. Her research also involves sociological considerations of education and housing policy. She is interested in rigorous research designs for causal inference using both experimental and non-experimental data, as well as the use of qualitative work to understand causality and the effectiveness of social policies.

Her major areas of research have focused on the determinants of educational attainment; the role of noncognitive skills; the transitions to work for young people who do not attend college; the role of housing, neighborhood and social context on youth and family outcomes; patterns of youth residential mobility, and how mobility relates to changes in family, school, and neighborhood context. She is the recipient of a William T. Grant Foundation Scholars award for her research on housing.

She received her PhD in human development and social policy from Northwestern University.