Praesent commodo cursus magna. 100th Anniversary
Thanassis Cambanis is a journalist specializing in the Middle East and American foreign policy.
Lily Hindy is a doctoral student in History at UCLA. Previously she served as senior foreign policy associate at The Century Foundation, focusing on the Middle East. Lily has a Master's in International Affairs from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and a Bachelor's in Government from Smith College.
Sima Ghaddar was a policy associate at The Century Foundation specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. Her research focuses on identity and mechanisms of social control.
TCF World Podcast: Talking with Syrian Exiles
More than five million Syrians, over one-fifth of the country’s prewar population, have left their homeland since the uprisings began in 2011. As President Bashar al-Assad claims victory and reconstruction talks ensue, many of these exiles, refugees, and émigrés see no possibilities for return.
On November 30, The Century Foundation published a report on national identity and belonging among Syrian exiles by TCF Foreign Policy associates Lily Hindy and Sima Ghaddar, based on their series of extended narrative interviews with displaced Syrians in Lebanon, Europe, and the United States.
Participants include:
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Tags: syrian refugees, Podcast, tcf world, refugees